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Scientific Centre

Videoecology as a science



Scientific News


About V.A. Filin
Филин В.А.

Doctor of biology, director of Moscow Centre “Videoecology” Vasiliy A.Filin graduated from biologic department of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov in 1962 and in 1965 from post graduated course in Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR.

V.A.Filin is a founder of new scientific direction that is a videoecology. He was the first who considered visual environment to be an ecological factor and showed mistakes in creation of the visual environment of a city, industrial premises and living accommodations. On the basis of the videoecology V.A.Filin worked out recommendations for creation of comfortable visual environment in places of human habitat.

V.A.Filin actively participates in Russian ecological movement, regularly appears on TV and radio, on conferences in Russia and abroad.

V.A.Filin is the author of two monographs: "Videoecology. Good and bad for eye" (published in English in 1998) and "Saccade automaticity" and more than 200 articles. He is a member of scientific and technical counsil of UN programme for Moscow "Stable development of a city", a member of the International Academy of sciences and of the International Academy of authors of cientific discoveries and inventions.

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Глазной центр Научный центр Карта сайта Гостевая книга Контакты

Мы принимаем карты:

Russia, 125009, Moscow, Tverskaya st., b12-9
Moscow centre "Videoecology"
The Centre has no branches
Mail us: info@videoecology.ru

ИП Филин А.В.
ИНН 770406064129
ОГРНИП 308770000206559
125009, Москва,
ул. Тверская, д.12, стр. 9,
М. Охотный ряд, Театральная,
Чеховская, Тверская, Пушкинская
T. +7 (495) 629-93-13 
E:  filin@videoecology.ru 

® 2002 - 2024 Moscow Centre "Videoecology"

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